Little Alchemy Cheats List or Sheet – 550 Element Combinations

Little Alchemy Cheats List or Sheet – 550 Element Combinations

J List for Little Alchemy Cheats

261. jack-o’-lantern = pumpkin + fire, blade + pumpkin, pumpkin + candle
262. jam = juice + sugar
263. jedi = lightsaber + human, knight + lightsaber
264. jerky = meat + sun, meat + salt
265. juice = water + fruit, pressure + fruit

K List for Little Alchemy Cheats

266. kite = wind + paper, sky + paper
267. knight = human + armor

L List for Little Alchemy Cheats

268. lake = water + pond, river + dam
269. lamp = metal + light bulb
270. lava = earth + fire
271. lava lamp = lava + lamp
272. lawn mower = grass + tool, electricity + scythe
273. leaf = tree + wind
274. leather = cow + blade, pig + blade
275. lemonade = fruit + water
276. letter = paper + pencil
277. life = swamp + energy, love + time
278. light = light bulb + electricity, electricity + flashlight
279. light bulb = electricity + glass
280. lighthouse = light + house, light + beach, light + ocean, light + sea
281. lightsaber = light + sword, energy + sword, electricity + sword
282. lion = wild animal + cat
283. livestock = farmer + life, wild animal + human, farmer + wild animal
284. lizard = egg + swamp
285. log cabin = wood + house
286. love = human + human
287. lumberjack = axe + human, human + chainsaw

M List for Little Alchemy Cheats

288. mac and cheese = cheese + pasta
289. mailman = human + letter
290. manatee = cow + sea
291. map = paper + earth
292. mars = rust + planet
293. marshmallows = sugar + campfire
294. mayonnaise = egg + oil
295. meat = cow + tool, pig + tool, blade + livestock, cow + butcher, pig + butcher, livestock + butcher
296. medusa = human + snake
297. mermaid = human + fish
298. metal = fire + stone
299. meteor = meteoroid + atmosphere, sky + meteoroid
300. meteoroid = stone + space
301. microscope = glass + bacteria, bacteria + glasses
302. milk = farmer + cow, cow + human
303. milk shake = milk + ice cream
304. minotaur = human + cow
305. mirror = glass + metal
306. mold = time + bread
307. monarch = human + castle, excalibur + human
308. money = paper + gold
309. monkey = tree + wild animal
310. moon = sky + cheese, sky + stone
311. moss = plant + stone, algae + stone
312. motorcycle = bicycle + energy, bicycle + steel
313. mountain = earthquake + earth
314. mountain goat = mountain + goat, goat + mountain range
315. mountain range = mountain + mountain
316. mouse = cheese + wild animal
317. mousetrap = wood + cheese, metal + cheese
318. mud = water + earth
319. mummy = corpse + pyramid
320. music = human + flute, human + sound

AB to CD to FG to IJ to MN to RS to TU to Z

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